Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the grandson of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers.
8.0 籃情球愛
7.0 我們的秘密
3.0 名門2淑女之心之圈愛仙計
2024 泰國簡介: 泰劇《名門紳士2:淑女之心》是泰國三臺慶祝電視臺成立52周年的項目。講述名門紳士五部曲五大少的后代們的愛情故事(大少2個孩子,二少1個孩子,三少2個孩子,四少2個孩子,五少4個孩子)。續(xù)作依然是由五部曲組成,分別由五家公司進行制作。每部預計12-15集,每集約80分鐘?! ujapsorn #???????? Maker Family (Maker Y by Yossinee Nanakorn)制作 大少的兒子Asira與瑯帕的女兒Dujapsorn 為了給母親復仇, Dujapsorn( 瑯帕的女兒) 決定在物業(yè)公司就職崗位。 她碰巧和Tharathorn的長子Asria關系親密。 Asira對她的美麗和勇敢印象深刻,所以記得她。 為了給母親復仇,他們的愛將處于困境。 -
1.0 名門二淑女之心之純白之戀篇
6.0 真愛試驗
2024 泰國簡介:該劇是花花公子Nonpawit的故事,他就像是一只發(fā)情的公狗,白天廁所,晚上房間,只要是個有興趣的勾引,他都能來一發(fā)。而不管道德,也不管是不是自動獻身或者主動勾引的。只要哪里有洞,老二就能進去,而且體力也不錯,一天幾個,一次幾輪,都不夠他來揮霍。而Benz和Kanda本來是一對璧人,兩個人才結婚 不到一天,但是隨著蜜月的開始,Kanda不幸失蹤,掉入水里,怎么找都找不到。而醒來,她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己到了愛神的地方,愛神說這個世界,性愛已經(jīng)成為了快餐,什么時候想來一次就來,而愛情已經(jīng)快要泯滅,其中最為突出的就是一個叫Nonpawit的男人,他就生活在這樣的生活里,從來沒有想去博取真愛。而Kanda的使命就是讓他找到真愛,這樣她就可以再次回去愛的人身邊,所以?她的任務可以完成嗎?尤其是見到Nonpawit的濫交,Kanda還詛咒他老二立不起來... -
6.0 急診男女 泰版