Written by Ana?s Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Rapha?l. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but everything changes one night when their heir, Garance, returns to the family home…
7.0 拿針的女孩
4.0 為愛狂亂
2024 劇情簡介: 經(jīng)常喂食的街貓失蹤,不明火警持續(xù)發(fā)生,桃子漸漸籠罩在一種無以名狀的不安中。結婚八年,一直賢良得體,全心照顧丈夫與家庭,跟奶奶比鄰而居,閑來開班教人制作手工皂。然而看似美滿的婚姻生活開始變調,夫妻關系出現(xiàn)裂痕。她要挖開內(nèi)心的無底黑洞,旁人也許覺得她舉止異常,卻不知她的痛,已經(jīng)在房子底下生了根。改編吉田修一原著,捕捉主角微妙情緒起落,從懷疑、嫉妒、壓抑、憤怒,以至日漸偏執(zhí)與失控。江口德子精準演繹因愛而狂亂的狀態(tài),獨一無二的存在感,將桃子的孤獨絕望表現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致?! 〗菘丝_維法利電影節(jié)競賽影片。 -
6.0 為奇跡做準備
2024 劇情簡介: A friendly android travels back in time to our present day and observes its human customs. Its wanderings spark some delightful conversations with its fellow machines. In search of a king from whom to extract valuable data, its system runs up against repression. This lively story takes us on a political journey of reflection on the environment and technology. -
4.0 極道追殺令
5.0 愛作歹
2024 劇情簡介: 耿直又聽話的匏仔,專為大哥「處理」各種事情,扛下身為小弟的風險,再向老大拿安家費貼補家計。匏仔的仙姑媽媽總是念他:「早知道細漢就別讓王爺幫你算出兄弟命,現(xiàn)在整天在惹麻煩?!沟谒难e,還藏了一個祕密 ─ 他心心念念上次進去的時候,特別好好「照顧」他的學長咪幾。當咪幾出獄,期待重逢的匏仔卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被冷落,青春勃發(fā)而無處出口的蕩漾春心,變得比什麼黑道歹路、輩分道義,都更難按耐……?! а葜炱教魬?zhàn)以長片規(guī)格,細密地鋪陳在陽剛、壓抑的江湖人際中,伏流的同志情慾。全片鏡頭穩(wěn)而慢,光線自然而情調滿滿,黃冠智、施名帥兩代本土男星貢獻洗鍊演技,在社會的暗角掩埋七情六慾。比起打打殺殺的生活,「你為什麼在躲我?」是一樁更難嚥下的心靈危機。 -
10.0 箱男